Welcome to Sekuritas.

Here, you’ll find all the information you need to Sekure your future. My name is Blake, and I’m an IT professional with a wealth of experience in various fields. From assembling and repairing hardware to configuring home and small business networks, I’ve done it all. I also have a decent understanding of Azure and Linux environments. I’m driven by a deep curiosity and a passion for the craft, and I’m always eager to learn more and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. I’m excited to share my knowledge and help you navigate the ever-changing world of IT.


  • Azure Admin
  • Network Monitoring
  • Google-Fu
  • Smooth Social Operator
  • Gaming on Linux
  • Smoking Meat
  • Pew Pew Power
  • FOSS Friendly

Help me buy coffee, buy my art! – IDoArt2

Logo Art and Designs by Element Rose